Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Yoga celebrators in NY

Fremont parade rocks it, Seattle

Solstice bike fest, Ontario

Still enjoying the sunshine on the west coast. Celebrating with a sun dress and a mojito later. Solstice is such a good time to reflect on life's gifts and dance in the sun. I'm so thankful for this beautiful place I live in.

Bought some organizational bags today that I love - I'll post about them later. Also got off of work and cleaned my room to pristine conditions this evening. I now have two and half garbage bags full of clothes I need to thrift, and I still feel like I have too much. Starting a period of simplicity. I'm hoping that will get rid of the feeling of eternal clutter I seem to have developed over the years. Spring and summer cleaning.

Happy summer days.

Photo credits: washington post, tumblr, seattle pi,

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